Sunday, July 25, 2010

Marigold Awaits Spring

After a few weeks break, I am pleased to be able to report that Spring is on Her way, Miss Marigold is looking forward to Her arrival. It has been very cold, & wet on the Misty Mountain. Although that is really as it should be in Winter in these parts, I tire of the dark, the cold & damp, & of having to stay inside.

The birds on the Mountain are ready for Spring & are making much music. Now that the Creepy Currawongs have moved on, all the resident birds & small mammals can get on with their now busy lives.Tiny birds flit around the garden like Disney faeries, & I have spotted 2 sleek brown rabbits this week.
In the bush, Dusty Miller & Heath feature, along with soft green mosses, lichens & ferns, which glimmer & glisten in the morning sun. Today I went for a long walk in the forest.......

Imbolc next week reminds me that ideas I dreamed up in Winter will either need to be laid to rest, or nurtured to fruition. This is the traditional time of "quickening" of new life, & of ideas. Tree planting goes with this festival, so on the 1st August, I strongly recommend that each person plant a tree & help it to grow, as a symbol of their personal commitment to life. It's a great feeling to do this, & good for the Planet too.

I hope you enjoy a gentle Imbolc this year.
Blessings upon all you decide to manifest!
May your optimism know no bounds, your creative energy be endless & may your heart be full of joy!

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