Sunday, June 17, 2012

Misty Winter Dreaming

Winter's a good time to dream...... especially when the mist settles in for the day........

It's so quiet, but for the occasional drip, drip, drip on the roof...shhhh...listen.....

What is there?

.....a chilly breeze rattles empty branches & sends droplets of moisture flying in all directions over leathery brown leaves .....

...........underneath this fine carpet, the earth is bone-chillingly cold...... wet.........dense....heavy.......

........shhhh...'s nearly Mid-Winter....

What do you dream of for when the light returns?

What do you hope for?

What do you love?

Come, my friend, make yourself comfortable, join me at the fireside.......

wrap yourself in a well-loved blanket and dream with me.....

Let us dream of approaching sunshine & abundance, love & laughter, comfort & ease......

let us dream of every noble thing.......

.....and every thing that makes hearts sing........

Blessings upon all beautiful dreams, for they create the world.......

.............believe in them .........

...............remember them.......


1 comment:

  1. what lovely prose and imagery

    i think you experience the cold of winter more where you live as it is relatively milder here, even though we can often see snow on the mountains across the lake

    i gratefully receive your blessing on beautiful dreams

