Thursday, May 22, 2014

Tidying a Druid's Garden

When considering my garden as a metaphor for my life, sometimes, I can't see beyond the path...

Just now, autumn's glory is fades to reveal the garden's structure .... and where it is lacking....

What earlier in the season seemed a wonderful tangle of wild exuberance now appears to be simply a mess, which is difficult to negotiate...

I just have to get in there, and prune, and weed, tidy and clear away all that would impede the next season's growth.... 

Sometimes, it's hard work to maintain a healthy garden, where all within it can grow harmoniously... and rewards are  mysteriously immeasurable...

Friday, May 2, 2014

Samhuin Blessings to You

.... Samhuin once again, and every year, it manifests differently...

The great wheel of life turns, and autumn reflects springtime

We release and embrace
it's a dance....
the steps are the same, but the cadence changes...

 As I release, someone else will embrace
As I breathe out, someone else breathes in
As I sleep, someone else awakens

Brightest of blessings to you this cold, Southern autumn day.
May the coming year bring peace to us All