Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Prioritising Doing What You Love... (another note to self)

Doing what I love doesn't make me any money...
Doing what I love, can not be a sustainable career...
Doing what I love is not understood by the world, who sees it as a hobby...


Doing what I love makes me feel tinglingly alive!
Doing what I love brings me back to my own authenticity!
Doing what I love makes my heart sing!


Doing what I love must be priority for me...
Doing what I love needs to be the reason I do everything else...
Doing what I love, can be the home I live in, and everything else can be home maintenance!

*Warning! Following your bliss doesn't mean you don't have to "chop wood & carry water" in order to follow it! 


  1. YESSS !

    chopping wood and carrying water is easier when we have a reason for doing it :-)

    1. Oh yes! I have noticed, that sometimes, people will create a reason for something, when they can't find anything that makes sense... Always satisfying to discover your truth, though... X
