Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Creativity comes in Disguise

The table in my studio is a sacred place for making things appear that otherwise wouldn't...
It's a place of joy, where beauty arrives, and departs to places where it is needed...

Just now, it's covered with paper from a course I'm doing online... I'm struggling.. the goal posts keep changing, & more assignments need to be done, as I ask more stupid questions... I'm learning not to ask anything, & to have as little interaction as possible...

I gained this qualification, Certificate IV Training & Assessment, in another guise, in 2004. Now I'm upgrading it, so that I my credentials are current & relevant...

I'm impatient to finish... I want creativity & colour in here, & I have online courses of my own that I want to offer online..

My sacred space is invaded by the outside word... Yes, the dry, automated world, that I've so far managed to keep at bay, by living a secluded life on a mountaintop & spending most of my time in a forest... 

"But wait!",I tell myself, "this is an inspiration in disguise". Artists need to earn their living, & the mundane world needs some joy. I can offer some bright, creative juice... I want to offer the world some real lushness so it can flourish...

So, I am treating this study as a sacred exercise, and making a promise to myself that when I offer online courses, my expertise as a trainer will shine through, as I offer real people well crafted programs, that evoke joy, a dash of whimsy, a splash of colour to people's lives... 
I want to help them put a song back into their day-to-day... 


I vow to allow people to ask as many questions as they like, and I aim to make the work so enjoyable, that they will LOVE doing extra work! 

I'm learning quite a bit, actually...


  1. Well done Marigold, this is great. I know the roller coaster ride of online courses. We certainly learn plenty, in a very different way. What I call grabbing the bull by the horns and................ :)

    1. Oh yes, Pauline! You just have to get in there & do it, then the REAL learning follows...

  2. Excellent Marigold! As someone who is both a trained teacher and a student of local community courses, I can tell you that knowledge of HOW to teach is very important, and there's a reason why we have to study it. :)

    I have to learn some pretty dry techy stuff to get my books out into the world, much less fun than writing them or painting the cover art, but it is as necessary, so it too is part of the creative magic. Now if only I can convince myself that doing publicity for my books is also a sacred task! :)

    1. I hear you, Tina! Publishing is a whole different set of skills! It doesn't seem to matter how people express themselves creatively, there is always a lot of behind-the-scenes hard slog that nobody sees... Publicity is a tough one... Sometimes, I'd prefer to be doing that for someone else! But it's is all part of that sacred task... No point in creating, unless it gets to the people who need it...
