Sunday, August 10, 2014

Day 20 mandala a day - "Singing My Own Song"

I am learning that to sing my own song, is a metaphor for remaining visible as the individual I have grown into, no matter what, because it is good for my metaphorical heart, and makes the world a kinder place...

New Year's Eve, I gathered with friends, to make intuitive collage from old magazines, as an ART/ Art Therapy/divinitary practice...

Mine ended up being named:"Singing My Own Song"...
It seemed a pretty, although mysterious collection of images...

Now, into the 8th month of the year, I begin to see what this means to me:
to keep singing my own song, not shutting up or shutting down about what is important to me...
When people try to try to silence me for their own self-gratification, I will not take it personally...
my vulnerability is my own to protect, and not theirs, to take as my sacrifice...

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